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Art Research

Within this section I will be exploring art, artists and video games that give a good idea on how the game should look and what can inspire it.

Video Game Inspiration

Although a few video games take inspiration from the idea of the Berlin Wall, there aren't many examples of the actual wall within games. The few that do, make good examples of what the artistic style should look like. Photorealism is the option I have gone for, this is so you can get a more immersive gameplay and allow the player to gain a realistic connection to the message and story told.


  • Killzone: Shadow Fall

Killzone is a sony exclusive Sci-Fi FPS game. The game is set in the distant future, located around "The Wall" which splits a faction divided city. The realistic art style  gives the same feel that I look for, especially with the futuristic style as a good influence for the Utopian dimension.



  • Call of Duty: BlackOps (Berlin Wall Expansion)

Although I don't consider my game as a FPS, Call of Duty gives a good example for the environment around the Berlin Wall prior to the wall being demolished. Attached is a trailer for the map.














  • The Berlin Wall (Indie Game)

This game gives a better look at the surrounding areas of the Berlin Wall also during the late 1980s. 


Artistic Inspiration

Initially, I wanted to look for specific artwork of alternate versions of Berlin to get different variations, ideally in a realistic art style. In this section, I will be showing the work of artists and specific pieces of artwork.


Paul Chadeisson

Paul's work shows Berlin in a sci-fi style. It gives a good example of the kind of lighting that is wanted within the game during the Nazi-Ruled, and the Regular environments. It also gives a good example of the style and height of the buildings for the Utopian Environments. 



Brad Wright

Brad is a concept artist on a project called Obsidian Reveire, which is a short animation project set in a clean fueled future of Berlin. The examples of the lighting and the tall buildings also help the feel for the Utopian Environment.





Neill Blomkamp

Blomkamp's Elysium gives a good example of the natural and serene lifestyle that can inspire the Utopian Environment. The mix between buildings that look almost sterile and the nature intertwined, give the aesthetic theme desired.






John Valenti

Valenti's work shows perfectly how the city's nature should interact with the buildings within the Utopia. Though the world will need more life to it, it does give a good idea.



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